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Imports Up 11% – Now 35% Of US Market + More Data The Headlines Missed

January opened the season on 2012 wine data.

John Fredrikson, Allied Grape Growers and the Joe Ciatti Company all presented at the Unified Symposium in Sacramento.

Concurrently, Turrentine Brokerage released its detailed market update. And on Wednesday, Feb., 6, Demeter released its own take on the market.

The 2012 California Crush Report is due Friday.

Readers of News Fetch will already have gotten a number of representative links from other media, all of whom covered the high points with universally broad brushes.

This summary article looks underneath those broad generalizations at some notable specifics that could make a difference in the wine business in 2013 and coming years. This is the first in a series that looks beneath the headlines along with a few comments and conclusions based on Wine Industry Insight’s 23 years in the wine business.

JON FREDRIKSON, 2013 Unified Symposium Presentation

U.S. Market Share, 2011 To 2012:

  • California: down 2% to 58% (WII Comment: Was closer to 80% in mid-1990s)
  • Imports: up 11% 2011 to 2012, to 35%
  • Other U.S. States up 1% to 7%
  • Bulk wine imports hit record 43 million 9-liter case equivalents

Wine Executive News subscribers please click here to read the complete article.

The full text and data of the following sections are available to Wine Executive News  subscribers.

  • U.S. Outlets Selling Wine Climbs Dramatically
  • How much did California direct shipping improve?
  • How much can U.S.  per-capita consumption grow?
  • Wine’s market share and why its political clout pales beneath that of beer.
  • Wow: Wine sales growth in 2012 fell to levels lower than those at the height of the credit crisis.
  • Numbers on  $3 to $7 dollar/750-ml bottle segment growth versus other categories.
  • Price segment consumption remains mostly unchanged over the past 15 years,
  • Overall California export for 2012  about the same as 2010.
  • China Still An Undeveloped Market For California.

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