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You Were Warned! Will The Newest Alcohol & Cancer Piece Be The “Anti-French Paradox?”

This has long been on the horizon.

I’ve written about the wine industry’s malignant neglect of the health issues until I simply stopped because the industry is asleep at the wheel, doesn’t care whether the French Paradox goes down the drain, or is just too fat to get off its collective gluteus maximii.

See the links at the bottom for just a few of the many pieces I’ve written.

The industry has failed to educate. Failed to address the NeoProhibitionist sentiment with expert facts and analysis.

And with the new Boston U study (Alcohol Unsafe At Any Level: 20,000 US Cancer Deaths/yr), the industry has failed to have any facts at hand to address the balance between lives saved in the cardiovascular arena versus cancer. And failed to determine and advise whether the study was well-done.

NOTE: The following information has come in since this posting: A Credible, Thorough But Completely Hidden Review Of The Latest Cancer/Alcohol Study


I wrote the best-selling book on the French Paradox. But the wine industry’s total silence has made me feel that, perhaps, I was duped, that the facts aren’t really there, that the French Paradox was a fraud and 60 Minutes got it wrong too.

That probably means that the negative links on my Wine & Health site are probably true as well.

If the French Paradox phenomenon were true, then why no response from the industry? Why no voice? Why has the Wine Institute failed to carry on its education program?

Is there no defense from the industry because the French Paradox is a fraud? Personally, my questions about the industry’s silence has prompted me to cut back my own consumption from moderate to light.

What will this mean for the average consumer?

It can’t be good. But you can’t say you weren’t warned.