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Kokomo Winery Launches 2nd Vintage of Sonoma State Cellars


Healdsburg, CA — 3) Over the past two years Kokomo Winery has worked closely with the Wine MBA students at Sonoma State to create a real-world project in the business of wine. On April 20 the students will celebrate another successful vintage at Release Party #2 on the grounds of Timber Crest Farms in Dry Creek Valley where Kokomo Winery produces and sells the wine.
Back in the fall of 2010 Erik Miller, owner and winemaker of Kokomo, visited one of the MBA classes on campus and was struck by the students’ enthusiasm for wine and offered to partner with them in their endeavor. Since then he’s watched the graduates grow in their careers as he has stayed in touch with them at industry events and gatherings like the one coming up on April 20.

In 2012, the School of Business and Economics at Sonoma State turned the nascent project into a graduate class (BUS 525W Wine Business Experience) taught by Stephen Sterling, adjunct professor and owner of Esterlina Vineyards in the Anderson Valley and Everett Ridge in Dry Creek Valley. With his guidance the students are learning even more about the complexities associated with marketing the delicious product called wine.

Join the students in celebrating the success of this program on Saturday, April 20 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Kokomo Winery. The students are organizing snacks and we’ll be pouring tastes of the next vintage from the barrel. Contact Dana Swilley at (707) 664-3347 or to RSVP for the party and to answer any questions.

If you would like to purchase a few bottles of the 25 cases produced, show up at the party or send a friend to place your order for you. There won’t be another offer until next year.
You can read more about this class and its beginnings as well as the release party online at Release Party.

For More Information Contact:
Kelly Ferris (Marketing Director/ Wine Club Manager, Kokomo Winery)
Telephone: 707.433.0205

Ray Johnson (Director, Sonoma State University’s Wine Business Institute)
Telephone: 707.664.3071