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Mea Culpa, Willamette Valley OREGON

Yep, I was in too much of a hurry when I wrote this header for the May 13 issue of News Fetch:

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As the headline in the body clearly stated – Jackson Family Wines buys another Willamette Valley vineyard – the vineyard was in Oregon, not Washington.

Having had a son at the University of Oregon (and a number of close family members living up there) I certainly have driven the Willamette Valley enough times to know where it is.

I obviously goofed. It’s a hazard of needing to look manually at 227 (so far) web sites every day … and to construct short headlines for the News Fetch email subject header.

And a function of being a one-man band not having a proofreader.

Those may be reasons, but they are no excuse for the mistake.

I do sincerely apologize for the error.