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Esther J. Cepeda: Saying no to alcohol

“I’ve worked in such environments and they became yet another place where I had to steel myself for the inevitable weirdness of being a non-drinker in an alcohol-centric society.”

“Seriously, I felt less peer pressure to drink as an undergraduate at a state university with a legitimately terrible reputation as a party school — our campus was closed multiple times due to alcohol-fueled riots — than I have as a professional in corporate settings.”

“Which brings us to the question of how best to deal with being the anomalous adult who, by choice, steers clear of the ever-expanding world of “alcoholification.” I say “by choice” because I don’t have any good reason or excuse that stops people in their tracks.”

“Unless you are an obviously pregnant woman, have an illness that requires medications, are a recovering alcoholic (and don’t mind fessing up to it) or are devoutly religious, you get puzzled, sometimes alarmed, looks when turning down a drink.

Read the whole article.