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The Wine & Health Hot Button No One Wants To Touch

Add these up:

Are You A Drunk? And Don’t Know it? + Smaller Wine Glass Key to Curbing Consumption + French Paradox = Too Hot To Handle!


The French Paradox  confuses people. In a sentence, decades of studies have continually confirmed that moderate consumers of alcohol of all types (not just wine) live longer, healthier lives than either abstainers or heavy drinkers.

So far, not hard to understand.

But here’s the catch: all of those many studies are epidemiological and rely on “self-reported” levels of alcohol consumption.

Self-reported. And people probably drink more. All of these studies try to correct for “under-reporting” because people are sensitive about talking about their drinking habits.

And, as we know (and as Smaller Wine Glass Key to Curbing Consumption reiterates) a glass is NOT a glass is NOT a glass.

So, people probably consume more drinks of wine, beer, and spirits and those drinks are probably larger than the standard drinks as defined by various governments (Are You A Drunk? And Don’t Know it?).

Does that mean that the healthy level of moderate consumption is actually higher than the medical studies indicate?

No one knows.

And we’re probably never going to know.


Because no one wants to touch the matter. The industry doesn’t want to be accused of trying to promote consumption and those doing the research are continually under siege by massively funded government NeoProhibitionist research grants trying to establish that alcohol is the same as crystal meth.

Yes, it is a substantial matter of personal and public health.

But you won’t get any help making the right decision from anyone in the government, the  health establishment or alcohol industry.

It’s enough to drive you to drink. More.