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iAm iVery iSorry for iMy iLate iReplies – Thanks Apple (NOT!)

To each of you who has sent me one of the 113 (as of right now) emails waiting to be returned, or news that needs to be included in News Fetch:

iAm iVery iSorry for iMy iLate iReplies

I have had serious computer problems since I upgraded my 2012 MacBookPro to the new Mavericks operating system.

Slow … sloooow … slower than Congress (almost).


A kaleidoscope of rainbow spinny balls, frozen cursors, missing cursors, reboots, force quits on applications and a lot of stuff that truly deserves a blue screen of death.

I’ve learned tonight that that Apple has a fix under way.

(“We’re aware of the problem and are working on it.”)


I used to hear that from Microsoft all the time! iAm iGlad iStill iHave a Windows machine because it has been my savior during this iDebacle.

But because of my iUpgrade, it has taken me three or four times as long to accomplish tasks.

iApologize. iAm iWay iBehind.

And, until things are fixed, I visualize Apple programmers being thrown into a mechanical grape harvester.

Please be patient. I will get to your email.

And with help from my Windows machine, may be able to get to your news  … and get it out to News Fetch’s 19,400 wine industry subscribers and other business leaders before it becomes ancient history.