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Heidi M. Scheid Elected CAWG Chair


November 8, 2013

Heidi M. Scheid Elected CAWG Chair

New Board Members Elected to Officer Positions

Sacramento, Calif. – Heidi M. Scheid, senior vice president of Scheid Vineyards Inc., was elected chair of the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG) during the board’s Nov. 7 meeting in Sonoma, CA. Her father, Al Scheid, served as CAWG Chair in 1978. Scheid takes over the CAWG leadership post from Bill Pauli, of Pauli Ranch in Mendocino County, who completed a two-year term.

“It is an honor for me to be elected the chair of CAWG,” said Scheid. “Since its establishment in 1974, CAWG has made a significant impact as the only statewide organization specifically focused on representing and promoting the interests of California winegrape growers. CAWG is the unified voice for effective state and federal advocacy and I look forward to continuing our unique role in the industry through our ongoing development of sound public policies, strengthened through membership growth.”

Scheid joined Scheid Vineyards in 1992 as Director of Planning and served as the company’s Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer from 1997 to 2001. Prior to joining Scheid Vineyards she served as a senior valuation analyst at Ernst & Young, LLP and as an associate at the venture capital firm of InterVen Partners. Scheid has been a director of Wine Market Council since 1990, a wine industry association aimed at expanding the American wine consumer base. She holds an M.B.A. degree from the University of Southern California.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Scheid achieved some noteworthy personal goals this year as she summited both Mt. Whitney (the highest summit in the contiguous United States) and Mt. Kilimanjaro (a dormant volcanic mountain in Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania).

The CAWG Board also elected Aaron Lange, of LangeTwins Family Vineyards and Winery in Lodi and Dennis Wittchow, of Lent-Burden Farming in Oakdale, as vice chairs. J.D. Harkey, of Drake Enterprises in Temecula , was elected secretary. Ryan Metzler, of Fruita del Sol in Fresno, was re-elected as treasurer. Nat DiBuduo, president of Allied Grape Growers and Carson Smith, of Carson Smith Farming in Fresno, were re-elected as CAWG At-Large Directors.

CAWG’s elected officers begin their term of office on Dec. 1, 2013.