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Argentine Peso Crash: Cheap(er) Could Flood US Shelves

If you thought that Malbec was cannibalizing your wine sales, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The Argentine Peso went off the rails this week — 16% in the last two days — and is going to make affordable Malbec and other Argentine wines even more affordable than ever.

The chart below shows this week’s plunge.

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 6.14.36 PM

And this one a year’s worth of a power dive:

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 6.14.48 PMThink Australian invasion before the U.S. screwed up the value of its currency and sent the Aussie dollar soaring.

Here are a few words to go with the not-so-pretty pictures: Argentina Peso Suffers Steepest Drop Since 2002.