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Comcast Sandbags News Fetch Again: iPhone/Verizon Save The Day

Comcast crapped out this morning … again! The benchmark screen captures below tell the sad, chronic story.

I needed to do today’s entire News Fetch issue using my iPhone/Verizon Personal Hotspot. Scroll down to the next screen caps to see that the bandwidth from the iPhone blows Comcast out of the water despite the fact that I live in the country west of Sonoma and has only one bar of Verizon (and no 4G LTE out here)…One bar of Verizon = 19 times faster than Comcast!

Comcast this morning at way under 1MBPS connect speed

Comcast this morning at way under 1MBPS connect speed

UPDATE: It’s worth noting that about half an hour after News Fetch went out and I had Tweeted this post to @comcast, the Comcast speed “magically” soared to 20MBPS down … without me touching the system. It’s also worth noting that thios is the eighth time this year that I have had to use my iPhone/Verizon personal hotspot to do all or part of News Fetch. That’s n abysmal Third World inconsistency that has cost me hours of productivity and about $25 worth of additional Verizon bandwidth.

iPhone/Verizon Wireless ... WAY faster than Comcast
iPhone/Verizon Wireless … WAY faster than Comcast

 Comcast: Making AT&T look good!

Business relies on the Internet, but Comcast is an unreliable Internet partner.

I’m up at 4 a.m., five days a week so I can reliably access 225+ web sites and create each issue of News Fetch in time for it to begin hitting inboxes by 7:30 a.m. I don’t like getting up at 4 a.m., but 19,400 people rely on that. And having unreliable Internet just screws that up all over the place. Having Comcast give me 20MBPS right now (8:42 a.m.) does not make amends for 0.46 MBPS almost five hours ago.

Sadly, AT&T Internet is even worse than Comcast out here in the country, but there are no other alternatives. Comcast’s virtual monopoly, its unreliability and disregard for its customers stand as the reasons I would never put my home security or phone system in their hands. Yes, I have an AT&T landline and will keep it because for the 23 years I have lived in this house, it has never let me down once.

And Verizon look even better!

That iPhone/Verizon Wireless internet speed beat the pants off Comcast despite a relatively weak signal here in the country

That iPhone/Verizon Wireless internet speed beat the pants off Comcast despite a relatively weak signal here in the country