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Comcast Internet Ads: False & Deceptive?

C’mon folks! iPhone/Verizon personal hotspot to the rescue again this morning.

Comcast this week is mired in speeds that are positively Third World. See Comcast Sandbags News Fetch Again: iPhone/Verizon Save The Day for earlier this week.

This constant failure makes their advertising look false and deceptive. If you promise, then you must deliver.

UPDATE: Scroll on down below Comcast’s embarrassing speed test to see the additional money that the Com-crap-out is costing. Now an arm and a leg, but a pain in the rear.

Click image to enlarge. Shot taken at 5:15 a.m., Feb 7, 2013.

Click image to enlarge. Shot taken at 5:15 a.m., Feb 7, 2013.

In addition to lost productivity, here’s one more cost of Comcast’s inability to deliver. Would you put your phone service in there hands? Also note that I am still getting only one bar of service here in the boonies … and yet that is blowing Comcast’s download doors off.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

And here’s the speed test on Verizon/iPhone net connection.

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 6.21.26 AM