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Parker, Legal Trolls: Come Get Me – A Fair Use Declaration

Robert Parker has melted down into a legal snit fit over a column that quoted his web site. The quotes are certainly relevant in a public discussion and surely seem short enough not to infringe. This looks like a serious case of thin-skin rather than legal infringement.

Nevertheless, he’s turned the copyright trolling hellhounds on every trail possible.

So, here’s my effort in promoting fair use with an excerpt of Blake Gray, excerpting Robert Parker (Wine Advocate bares its teeth; here’s why):

‘Sadly, Robert Parker seems to have become bitter, trying to hang onto what he long believed to be his position as sole arbiter of taste in the wine world. It was pathetic, but no longer surprising, to see him upset about a tasting he didn’t even attend. He wrote, “Any defense of ‘different tastes for different writers’ ain’t gonna’ fly either….they are alleged to be professional writers…and this dribble misleads their readers.”‘

Perhaps we should all excerpt the excerpts and that way Parker has to go after us all.

I’m ready.

The Nonsense Behind The Issue