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DISCUS Wades Big Time Into Oregon Grocery Liquor Sales Process

The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) has forged close relationships with American grocery chains in an effort to fight “wine only” state laws according to multiple board members who have spoken with Wine Industry Insight on a “not for attribution basis.”

Those interviews have also revealed a growing alliance between DISCUS and state alcohol boards that is helping efforts to assure that regulatory authorities, consumers and the media recognize drink equivalencies in the sales, marketing and health areas.

“It’s time for some effective overall leadership in the beverage alcohol industry,” one DISCUS board member told Wine Industry Insight. “Having consumers and states mad at the industry and industry groups battling each other or sitting on their hands is not good for any of us.  I’m not the only member [of DISCUS] who thinks that change is inevitable. But I do know there are others who agree that being an agent in part of that change can create better outcomes for our members. I think we are stepping up to the plate to bring some badly needed leadership to a chaotic situation.”

This is the first of a series based on those interviews. Wine Executive News subscribers please click here to read the complete 865-word original article.

Also In This Article:

The full text of the following sections is available to premium subscribers of Wine Executive News.

  • Consumers Want Privatization; It’s Up To DISCUS To Help Shape The Best Deal For Members

  • Grocers Want To Sell Spirits, Beer & Wine Wholesalers Oppose

  • DISCUS: $1 Million+ War Chest For Version 8 Of Oregon Ballot Proposal

  • Wholesalers Mostly Waiting To See What Will Happen

  • Compromise On Franchise Protection

  • Current Historical Perspective of Oregon Privatization Efforts

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