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Wine Industry Connections – The Ontiveros Network

Solid, intelligent relationships underpin business success, especially in the wine industry. This is the first in a continuing series of articles based on federal, state and local documents as well as other public, open source information.

The links among people and companies may be that of owner, investor, partner, executive, board member or other relationships that are often not specified in public documents.

The connections are presented without any implications, value judgements or connotations. They simple are what you see. Take them at face value.

And if you see connections that I have missed or should follow, please email me at:

The Ontiveros Network

I mentioned last week (Silverado Premium Properties & Winegrowers Sold To TIAA-CREF) that I had been well and truly scooped by Michael Fritz of Farmland Letter on a story I was working on about the 10,000+ acres that James Ontiveros and Matt Turrentine had bought  in the Santa Maria area (see: Harvard pushing further into farm sector with California Central Coast vineyard play—Farmland Intelligencer). I also mentioned that I had more details.

The Farmland Intelligence story got just about everything right, but never could conclusively pin down Harvard University’s endowment as the source of funds. However, Wine Industry Connections has pinned that down without a doubt.

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Connections also shows that James Ontiveros  didn’t really need Harvard because he has a wide, deep and high quality network, including one man  whose wealth rivals that of the Harvard endowment.

The Connections diagram is a work in progress with threads all around to follow up on.

A Few Details On The Land & Harvard Connection

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