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First Keg Wine: Branding & Taste Not So Good

See the branding problem below?

Hint:  All those anonymous shiny handles are wine on tap.

There is a quality issue here as well.

My first time ever sampling keg wines. Not a good start.

I sampled three wines:

1. Unti Rosso, Dry Creek 2012 ($9.00/glass) was drinkable.

Two others were bland, lacked taste and were totally MIA:

2. VinTap ‘Jupiter’ Napa Valley Sangiovese, 2012 ($8.50/glass), and

3. Six Sigma, Lake County Tempranillo ($9.50/glass).

All of these tasted like they were from a bottle that had been half consumed then left on the counter for a week. None was worth even half the price.

I had these at the Kitchen Door at Oxbow which is a great restaurant with some really nice wines by the glass.

Will mention tomorrow which wine (by the glass from a bottle) that I enjoyed very much.