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Wine Institute: Why Do NZ Wine Exports Almost Equal California’s?

Who is working harder here?

Consider this: NZ wine exports reach record $1.3 billion

Versus this: U.S. wine exports, 90% from California, reached a record high $1.55 billion in winery revenues in 2013, up 16.4% compared to the previous year. California’s 2012 exports were $1.336B.

So, rather than boasting about rising exports, perhaps the California wine industry — and the Wine Institute — might want to ask why they are close to getting beat by the Kiwis.

It could be that the Wine Institute is channeling all of the millions it gets from the U.S. Market Promotion Program to supporting cheap wine from mega producers.

But Wine Institute has refused Wine Industry Insight’s requests for information on who gets those public funds. The lack of transparency is not in the interest of the public or ANY member of the California wine industry save those who might be embarrassed.