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Comcast: Bad For You, Bad For America

More than  22,000 subscribers in the wine industry depend on getting their news every morning from News Fetch. That includes folks  from the very top execs to the hard-working people who make every grape, barrel and bottle do what they need to.

And most evenings when the next day’s News Fetch template is created and early mornings beginning around 4 a.m., Comcast’s  Internet dis-service often makes it difficult to impossible to create each issue.

You might think that Comcast might be trying to get its act together, what with its big mega-merger with Time-Warner looming. Or perhaps they have spent enough slush money buying off regulators and Congressmen that they just don’t care.

Comcast started to slow last night when I was setting up News Fetch.

Then this morning, things got so bad that they just died.

Internet is a Utility

Regulators and lawmakers need to realize that in today’s iWorld, Internet is a utility on par with electricity and telecom. Comcast already provides some of the slowest and most expensive internet service among both the First World and the Developing Nations.

Comcast is Bad For America

When inferior internet access impedes people’s work, that cuts productivity. For more details on that  See: How Slow, Expensive Internet Is Holding Back Our Economy

Bad productivity and that is bad for America as a whole.

Thus, Comcast is bad for America and steals money from the pockets of anyone who uses it to make their living.

Here’s This Morning’s Evidence Of Comcast’s Incompetence

Here’s a Speedtest from Comcast this morning.

Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 5.59.25 AM

And this is from my iPhone Personal WiFi hot spot  (with only  2 bars of cellular … see image after this one)

Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 5.56.58 AM

This is my iPhone screen showing only 2 bars
