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Mapping Part of The Hambrecht Empire

In working on a series of articles about wine finance and wine financiers, one man looms large in the industry and in finance as a whole: William R. Hambrecht. He’s truly a Renaissance financier who has placed bets so widely and frequently that he has left a lasting web of financial influence. Many have benefited and others have felt the cold steel of slights: some shallow, and others painfully deep as a multitude of lawsuits have shown.

Trying to report accurately and completely on Hambrecht’s decades-long web of finance and influence involves tracing multitudes of entities and  long, often-convoluted connections. I have been trying to make sense of it as best possible using state, federal and county records from regulatory agencies, courts and other sources.

I am far from finished, but the incomplete glimpse so far is informative. This quarter-scale image offers a an idea of what things look like now that I think I may be a quarter done. Updates will be posted periodically.

Wine Executive News subscribers can click here to view the full-sized map.

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