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News Fetch’s “Featured Wine” Suspended


The “Featured Wine” section of News Fetch is no longer. It’s been a very popular anchor to the daily email newsletter and has generated hundreds of emails.

But, I’ve grown weary of panning bad wine. You probably don’t enjoy reading about it.

Worse than that are all of the bad wines I’ve had the misfortune of buying. And tasting.

I have epically failed as an ordinary wine consumer because the best I can come up with from retail purchases is about:

  • 20% really enjoyable and worth buying again.
  • 30% tolerably good enough to have two, 5-ounce pours and toss the rest.
  • 50% down the drain to endanger the bacteria in my leach field.

It has been said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

I am insane in a lot of other ways, but I am not crazy about spending more than $3,000 every year on worthless wine. I have tried different places, different methods, different criteria and none of it has worked.

So, I’m not going to do that any more. There is simply no reliable way to find a decent bottle at retail that I have a good chance of liking.


I will not buy any wine that I have not tasted first.

That means  Safeway, Trader Joe’s and others won’t have my business because I will taste where it’s free then buy by the case.

That means that, if I were an average consumer and did not live in wine country, I’d be drinking a lot more beer. I suspect that actually happens with average consumers who do not live in wine country.

Finally, that means that the Featured Wine section in News Fetch will be an episodic feature, not every day, sometimes not every week.

I’m sorry about that because I get a lot from News Fetch readers. But, reality bites.

You can always view Lew’s other images at lewisperdue_author