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Floodgate LLC Attorney Disputes Vineyard Sale Validity

Santa Rosa Attorney Henry Huang, who represents Floodgate Vineyard LLC, contends that the $100 sheriff’s sale of Floodgate Vineyard to a former employee of William Hambrecht’s is invalid. (Floodgate: Prime Sonoma Vineyard,150K-case winery Sold for $100 ).

Huang, who is registered as the LLC’s agent for service, told Wine Industry Insight that he can prove that the lien against the property was not filed in time.

Peter DeGolia, the Santa Rosa attorney representing Hambrecht’s former employee disputed this in an email to WIN and said he believes Huang is incorrect.

In a telephone call to WIN Wednesday, Huang agreed to send details confirming his contention.

Wine Industry Insight will follow-up on this issue when details are available.