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Confused Hill Wine Co Chapter 11 Lurches Forward

This is one of two articles published today on Hill Wine Company. See, also: TTB Carpet Bombs Hill Wine Co With Felony Allegations . The documents on which this article is based, were filed after this article was written.

The Hill Wine bankruptcy proceeding continues to lurch forward, minus Jeff Hill.

According to court records, Hill has been replaced as head of the winery and was forced by the federal government to relinquish his ownership. The Chapter 11 reorganization has also been plagued by multiple claims on the same assets.

Michael Fallon, attorney for Hill Wine Company LLC, said: “The principal reason the debtor [the winery LLC] is before this court is because of the misconduct and lack of business acumen of the founder of the company, Jeff Hill.”

The court case is hampered by confusion among creditors, state and local regulatory agencies and an inability to get winery records from the custom crush facility used by the winery.

Wine Executive News subscribers please click here to read the complete article.

Also In This Article:

The full text of the following sections is available to premium subscribers of Wine Executive News.

  • Industry Veteran Assumes Custodial Management

  • Jeff Hill’s Ownership Transfered To Trust

  • TTB And California ABC Records Confused/Tardy

  • More Confusion Reigns Over Liens, Loans, Claims and Debts

  • Sale Discussions Ongoing For Wine & Winery

  • Court Order Requested To Compel Ranch Winery To Produce Records

  • July Hearing Set On The Appointment Of A Federal Trustee

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