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Facebook & Email Spying: People Will Hate You If You Secretly Mess With Them

People will hate you if yousecretly  mess around with them:

Don’t Be A Mail Chump

People also don’t like to be spied upon.

All of those email services like Mail Chimp. Constant Contact etc, contain undisclosed spyware that allows the sender to determine the recipient’s user behavior starting with whether they opened the email and getting worse from there.

The spying is euphemistically called “customer relationship management.”

Sure, it might be valuable in trying to grow subscribers or target content. But privacy is more important. As the Supreme Court recently said in its mobile phone search ruling: “privacy comes at a cost.”

If you’re going to be measuring things — whether emotions or behavior — you need to disclose that fact and offer people a way to opt out. Otherwise is it is flat-out unethical, rude and creepy.

That’s why this link is full of good advice … until it gets to the Mail Chimp praise.

News Fetch: Spyware Free

And that’s why Wine Industry Insight’s News Fetch uses its own server and software that doesn’t contain spyware of any sort. We value our own privacy and refuse to spy on our subscribers.