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Wilbur-Ellis Grower Letter Requests Damage Info On Pesticide Drift

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July 8, 2014

Dear Grower:

I am writing regarding the drift incident that occurred in the Lodi area in May. As you may know,
Wilbur-Ellis recommended and sold the labeled products to Semitropic Water Storage District to remove
vegetation from Bouldin Island.

Semitropic contracted with Alpine Helicopter to conduct the application.

The Wilbur-Ellis agronomist recommended a combination of products that included Roundup and Polaris
to remove difficult-to-eradicate weeds and various crops, as well as adjuvants and an anti-drift agent.

were not connected to the circumstances surrounding the aerial application – quantities, weather
conditions, sprayers used, etc. Nonetheless, we do want to support the collection and monitoring of data
regarding impact with the goal of working together toward a successful harvest.

If you believe your crop was affected, I invite you to call a Wilbur-Ellis representative at the number
below to file a report.

Phone: 844-252-4640
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm PT

During the call, the representative will ask you a number of questions, which are listed on the second
page of this letter. After you file a report, an investigative agronomist will contact you as soon as
possible to assist with questions you may have, as well as collect pertinent information to this
investigation. Our goal is to respond to everyone within a few days of filing a report.

We trust that other parties involved will take part in this process, and we look forward to seeing the final
report from the county. Thank you for providing your information.

Scott Hushbeck
Vice President, Western Operations
Wilbur-Ellis Company

Crop Information
 Date damage first observed
 Description of damage
 Type of crop
 Number of acres impacted
 Expected harvest date
 Date crop planted
 Physical address of alleged damaged crop including township, range and section number
 Condition of the crop prior to 05/16/14
 Other challenges your crop is facing this year? (i.e water restrictions, weather, pests, etc.?)
 Herbicides or pesticides application on or near your field, and dates applied
 Was the crop contracted to specific buyer(s) or being sold on open market?
o Will you provide a copy of contract?
Other Information:
 Are you working with an agronomist, consultant or other specialist?
o If yes, name & contact information
 Have samples been taken?
o If yes, from where – soil, plant tissues, fruit or crop itself, other
o If yes, date sample(s) taken
o If yes, name of lab samples processed at
o If yes, will you provide copy of sample results when available
 Do you have photos of affected field(s)?
o If yes, date(s) photos taken?
o If yes, will you provide photos?