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L.A. County Lists Staggering Number of Uses Permitted in Santa Monica Mountains

This is a sidebar in a three-article series:

People with a resistance to falling asleep and infinite patience with badly constructed public documents may access available documents in this process here: Board – Santa Monica Mountains

The uses below have been copied from pages 144-150 the Coastal Commission Staff Report dated July 9, 2014. All of the staff report changes have been incorporated into the L.A. County land use and implementation plans.

The following are approved uses.

Their approval depends upon zoning areas and differing degrees of permitting activity required for approval. Please refer to pages 144-150 the Coastal Commission Staff Report for specifics.

Those who support banning vineyards in the Santa Monica mountains find these approved uses more aesthetic than a vineyard and environmentally more acceptable.

  • Fraternity and Sorority Houses
  • Nightclubs
  • Tobacco shops
  • Hospitals
  • Juvenile halls
  • Automobile service stations,
  • Automobile supply stores
  • Historic vehicle collection
  • Arboretums and horticultural gardens
  • Churches, temples, or other places used exclusively
  • Colleges and universities, including appurtenant facilities giving advanced academic instruction approved by the State Board of Education or other recognized accrediting agency, but excluding trade schools
  • Disability rehabilitation and training centers where sheltered employment or industrial-type training is conducted
  • Libraries
  • Medical clinics, including laboratories
  • Museums
  • Observatories
  • Police stations
  • Post offices
  • Probation camps
  • Road construction maintenance yards
  • Schools, business and professional, including art, barber, beauty, dance, drama and music, but not including any school specializing in manual training, shop work, or in the repair and maintenance of machinery or mechanical equipment
  • Schools, through grade 12,
  • Adult day care facilities
  • Adult day care facilities,
  • Adult residential facilities,
  • Barbershops
  • Bars and cocktail lounges
  • Bed-and-breakfast establishments
  • Beer and wine, the concurrent sale of, with motor vehicle fuel
  • Delicatessens
  • Department stores
  • Health food stores
  • Hobby supply stores
  • Menageries, zoos, animal exhibitions or other similar facilities for the keeping or maintaining of wild animals
  • Offices, business or professional
  • Pet stores,
  • Riding academies, stables, and horse boarding facilities
  • Shoe stores
  • Tasting rooms
  • Theaters, drive-in
  • Wineries
  • Amphitheaters
  • Health retreats
  • Motion picture sets (permanent)
  • Rural inns
  • Travel trailer parks
  • Youth hostels


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