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Getting A Publisher For Your Book

About once a week, someone stumbles across my book-writing site, then emails me to ask how they can get a publisher for the book they have written.

I got three of those emails today and this is what I said to them all:

  1. To get a book published you’ll need an agent.
  2. To get an agent, figure out which ones like the sort of things your book is about.
  3. To do that, you’ll need to place your book within some sort of genre.
  4. Once you have a genre or two figured out, you can go here: and here: to try and figure out who likes that genre.
  5. Study their sites well to make sure.
  6. Then pitch them.
  7. To pitch them, you’ll need a proposal.

Here is a good example of a non-fiction proposal from an agent:

If you’ve written fiction, it’s pretty much the same except for this link:

Yeah, writing a book’s hard … and the real work starts when you finish. Hope that helps.