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SVB Annual Wine Conditions Survey Needs Your Participation

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Rob McMillan EVP & Founder of Silicon Valley Bank’s Premium Wine Division emailed me to say that the 2015 Wine Industry Conditions Survey will open up at 8 a.m.Wednesday, Oct. 8.

“It continues to grow in industry importance,” McMillan wrote, “with 650 wineries taking the survey last year. It will be open 2 weeks.”

 McMillan also said  that for most respondents, the survey should  take about 5 minutes.

Participants, he said, will get the results of the complete survey, graphs, and some early analysis on wine industry conditions. “ONLY those who take the survey will get the results,” he stressed.

View the analysis from last year here.

The survey will close at the end of the day Friday, October 24th, 2014. “We anticipate returning the results to you by early December,” McMillan said. “”As always, answers will be held in strict confidence. No one will be placed on any marketing list based on their answers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at or 707.967.1367.”

 Click here to participate in the survey: