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Merrill Lynch Bullishness On Treasury May Be Wishful Thinking

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Treasury Wine Estates has put the worst behind it with new leadership and “a strategic direction fully supported by the majority of its shareholder base,” according to a Nov. 6 analyst report from Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, which may be peppered with some wishful thinking.

The new report opens with a “buy” rating and a price objective (PO) of A$5.50/US$6.38 (US$=A$1.16 on 11/10/14. All prices from this point forward are in A$)

The stock closed at $4.82 on Nov. 10. Check current share price.

The report is Merrill Lynch’s first since Treasury ended talks Sept. 29 with two private equity takeover groups: TPG Capital and KKR/Rhone Capital.

This report, however, fails to offer the sharp insights seen in previous ML reports. It seems seems over-influenced by relatively vague and overly optimistic management pronouncements that obscure a continuing incoherence in company direction.

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Previous Original Wine Industry Insight Coverage of Treasury Wine Estates

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