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A Dyslexic Dilernrna & Aqology

I have mild dyslexia.

It’s no excuse for typos, but they happen a lot more with me.

I confuse lower case d b p q g (especially in typefaces where a g looks like a backward q).

And a lot of the time, m looks like an r + n … so dilemma and dilernrna can look pretty much the same

I also confuse upper case H and N.

There are a few other minor issues that are usually cured by word context when I read, but still plague me when I write and proofread. This is usually worst when the offending letters are close on the keyboard. like N and H …

Thus, yesterday, MESHUGENAH (Yiddish for crazy) came out MESHUGEHAH.

Fonts can make a big difference.

While I like the clean lines of san-serif typefaces like Helvetica, the serifs in typefaces like Times Roman offer the eye a few more clues on letter identity and make things easier.

As I said, that’s no real excuse. Thus my aqology.