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Some Hard Questions For The Anti-Volunteer Folk

First of all, did every quake-struck winery and business in Napa that got volunteer recovery help violate state law? After all, they are for-profit businesses.

Some barrels don't make it out of the pile alive.

Some barrels don’t make it out of the pile alive.

And how about this business owner in Willits whose child care business was destroyed by a fire? If you help her, will she be a criminal?

Screen Shot 2014-11-18 at 5.27.19 AM (Image from the Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Armed Willits woman suspected of arson, attempted homicide).

And I cannot  forget a HUGE stink  raised by public school teachers and employees in a district near me back in the 1990s when a strike was threatened because parents were volunteering to pick up slack during  budget cut-backs. That was one of several reasons we sent our children to private schools where parental efforts and contributions … and volunteers are appreciated.