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WineGavel Saga Finally Over As Founder Pleads Guilty

Justice has finally caught up to Wine Gavel founder Joshua Krummenoehl who, according to the Wine Spectator, has agreed to pay more than $500,000 in restitution.

WineGavel Saga First Broken At Wine Industry Insight In 2012

This has been an ongoing saga ever since Wine Industry Insight first broke the story in March 2012: Final Hammer Dropping On WineGavel?

The links, below, tell the whole story from the beginning to the end.

News Fetch, Insight Readers Only Ones Fully Informed

Significantly, only readers of Wine Industry Insight and the daily News Fetch knew of the scam as it began and unfolded because none of the other wine magazines or web sites actually picked up on the story as it began and as it unfolded.

Somehow media in general — not just the wine industry —  try to act as if news is only new if they discovered it. Some false sense of omniscience justifies ignoring a story, or failing to acknowledge the hard work of others who first brought it to light.

That sort of conduct ignores the responsibility to inform readers.  Here at Wine Industry Insight, our readers and subscribers come first. We serve their needs first, not our own self interest which is why most every day we run links to articles from other publications and give credit to those who first break the news.

WineGavel: The Entire Story: 2012 To Now