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Lexington Street Files Court Papers Alleging Robert Dahl Felonies

Lexington Street Investments LLC has filed a document in Napa Superior Court that it says proves Robert Dahl was convicted of two felonies convictions in Minnesota.

In an email received by Wine Industry Insight early this morning, Dahl said, “There are no such convictions.”

Dahl is the owner or managing partner in a number of Napa wine businesses including California Shiners, Dahl Vineyards, Napa Point Winery, Napa Point Brewing, and Patio Wine Company.

Friday’s Lexington filing asked that the “Court take judicial notice of the attached records of the Minnesota courts confirming that twice, defendant Robert Dahl has been convicted of multiple felony counts for theft, including ‘theft by swindle’.”

The Lexington filing alleges that, “These convictions, made available to Plaintiff  [Lexington] after briefing was closed in this matter, show a pattern attributed to defendant Dahl that has been carried forward in the fact pattern that defines this case. It exposes the absence of credibility to Mr. Dahl’s contradictory declaration testimony and further exposes the need for the Court’s protection here.”

The Lexington document included an exhibit that appear to be copies of court and conviction records faxed by the state of Minnesota on Dec. 1, 2014. Wine Industry Insight has asked Dahl  whether he believes those exhibits are legitimate and is waiting on a follow-up response which will be included as soon as it is received.

Premium Wine Executive News subscribers may access the full court filing, including the exhibit containing Michigan court records, at this link.

Lexington and Dahl are suing each other in a complicated and bitterly contested set of lawsuits in two courts.

The background is described in detail in our original 6,231-word article.

 Santa Clara Superior Court Rejected Dahl Request To Move Napa Case There

In a separate case in Santa Clara Superior Court (also described in our original lengthy article Dahl and his Patio Wine Company have argued that the $1.2 million in loans that Lexington made to Patio (and guaranteed personally by Dahl)  carried usurious interest rates and are invalid.

A request to combine Lexington’s Napa case and move it to Santa Clara was denied by Judge Carol Overton on Friday. The court ruled that Dahl’s motion did not follow procedural law. The denial was “without prejudice” which means the motion can be filed again.

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