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Sunridge Nurseries expands to isolated Santa Barbara County area to insure clean material

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Sunridge Nurseries Inc, a leader in the industry since the late 1970’s,  has purchased an isolated property in Santa Barbara County for the production of their Protocol 2010 material.

Protocol 2010 material was sourced directly from the Russell Ranch Foundation Vineyard at Foundation Plant Services at U.C. Davis, Californi and generated from Foundation Plant Services Laboratory using micro-shoot tip tissue culture for disease elimination.

Protocol 2010 material to be  grown on virgin land

All of Sunridge Protocol 2010 material will be exclusively grown on this virgin Santa Barbara County property just west of the town of New Cuyama.

Butch McKinley, Sales Dept. Manager stated that “Clean Certified vines are right up at the top of everyone’s list, so Sunridge is determined to deliver the cleanest vines in the country.”

Starting with the land investment, Sunridge has developed 922 acres of virgin fertile soil. This Cuyama Ranch is very isolated by over 10 miles from the nearest vineyard.

Approximate vineyard location.Right-click map to enlarge.

Approximate vineyard location.

Remote location minimizes contamination potential

Sunridge feels confident that the potential for contamination is extremely low, and that they can depend on these blocks remaining clean for many years to come.

“We have earned a reputation for consistent quality as well as conducting business that is based on integrity and innovation with the end-users best interest in mind,” according to Steve Maniaci, General Manager.

“The worst thing a nursery can do is to plant this ultra-clean material right back into the same regions that have mealy bug and virus diseases present!” McKinley said.


Rootstock and Scionwood, (budwood), selections were planted in 2012, 2013, & 2014 just as soon as they were greenhouse propagated.     The rapid expansion of these new ultra-clean selections are in high demand due to virus and disease pressures all over the world, and availability is coming on line as these vine mature.     Many are ready for 2015 production, which is now underway!

Special Cuyama-based management team

Sunridge has established a local Cuyama based management team to watch over the development of its operation for these isolated increase blocks.

Sunridge has also purchased new equipment for their new property as well, so a complete self-quarantine protocol is in affect for the ranch. Their plan has been to designate this equipment exclusively for this Cuyama Property to eliminate debris and soil transport from other properties.


Over 200 acres of Protocol 2010 Rootstock selections were planted in 2012 and 2013 on this Cuyama property.     This photo was taken in late 2012 of the young rootstocks thriving only 6 weeks after planting. Right-click image to enlarge.

“Start clean – stay clean”

Sunridge wants to ensure the vines that a grower selects today will have a major impact on their vineyard success for years to come.

Many years ago Glen Stoller, owner of Sunridge Nurseries, was quoted as saying “A vineyard is something that doesn’t go away. It’s like a monument. After you plant it, you have to look at it for 20, maybe 30 years or so. A grower may plant just one vineyard in his lifetime, and I want to make sure that everything is done right. His success is our success.”

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