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Why Using Flash Can Kill Your Advertising And Web Site Traffic

A large percentage of users now browse with Flash blockers or with Flash turned off. And this is what they see:

Screen Shot 2014-05-12 at 4.55.36 AMFlash — especially auto-running video — is ranked among the most annoying things on the web, especially when multiple flash sessions launch suddenly and turn the web page into a twitchy, blinking eyesore that begs to be clicked away from.

Flash is also a bandwidth hog and a top cause for prematurely running laptop batteries down. The image below is from a MacBookPro.

Look at the top line under %CPU.

Screen Shot 2013-12-16 at 6.17.08 AM


The Firefox Plugin at the very top is Shockwave/Flash … Currently eating up more than one whole core in a dual-core processor (This slows things to a crawl and mangles batter life).

The site causing this has something like 11 Flash windows auto-running … on top of a big HTML5 slider that causes motion sickness.

This is why one of the most popular add-ons for every browser is a Flash Killer. If you have valuable information in an auto-running Flash window, many, many people will never, ever see it.

Probably not what you want.