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Dear Delectable … Accuracy counts. And “no-reply” emails just piss people off!

Dear Delectable:

Accuracy counts.

As I  pointed out in my Delectable posting, your system did NOT recognize the wine correctly.

AND … you provide no way to make a correction.

AND you send me an email I can’t reply to.


NOPE! Not the wine as Delectable labeled it!.This was a Cabernet Sauvignon.

Vivino sometimes (but less often) mislabels wines, but offers a way for the user to correct it.

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And this is also the wrong wine. That day, I just punted.
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No-reply emails just piss people off. Don’t send an email of you don’t want to hear from your users.

AND your “no-reply” email (see below) just compounds the mistake and makes it impossible to point all of this out privately…

This mistake happens frequently and in my last 2 posts

Right click image to see a larger view.

Right click image to see a larger view.

Oh yes, it’s not Jam Cellars … it’s JaM. Offer a way to correct things

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Right click image to see a larger view.


Cross-Browser Compatibility Checking Please! (DOH!)

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Right click image to see a larger view.

Yes,I most often use the Delectable app on my iPhone. But sometimes, it’s handy to do it from a larger screen.

This is Delectable on my MacBook … okay on Chrome and Safari … but this on Firefox. (Really! Cross-browser optimization, PUL-leese)