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Rocky Fire Impacting Lake CountyReal Estate Transactions

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The following is from a mass emailing from the Lake County Association of Realtors

“There are three things I would like to cover regarding the Rocky Fire’s affect on the real estate community:

“1) Insurance Moratorium – Several agents have reported that closings are being affected because an insurance moratorium has been put into place on some zip codes in Lake County. Areas that appear to be affected are Clearlake, Clearlake Oaks, Lower Lake and possibly Hidden Valley Lake. The areas affected may vary from carrier to carrier and there may some interim alternatives. Each carrier will determine when the moratorium will be lifted.

“2) Donations for Fire Fighters – Kat McDowell has volunteered to take supplies to fire fighters. If anyone would like to donate to this Kat is seeking items such as deodorant, foot powder, power bars, and energy drinks. Donations can be dropped off at the Association office located at 2559 Lakeshore Blvd in Lakeport. Kat will pick them on Friday morning. Cash donations will NOT be accepted.

“3) Helping Those Who Have Been Affected – A few Realtors have called and suggested that the Association find a way to help those who have been displaced and even lost their homes. I will ask the Board to take a look at what we can do. The next Board meeting is Thursday, August 13th at 9:00 am. If you have suggestions on how we might help send them to

“Yvette Sloan, President”