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Wine Mergers & Acquisitions Heat Up

Rumors and other information about the following pending acquisitions have been filling Wine Industry Insight’s email in-box for more that three weeks now.

WII has been unable to formally confirm these with the principals involved, so the ultimate outcomes may differ from what is known now.

However, multiple highly-placed sources say that at least two of these will close in the next few days.

A full 400-word heads-up for Wine Executive News premium subscribers can be access accessed here: Wine Mergers & Acquisitions Heat Up

In This Article:

The full text of the following sections including the buyer and price (when available) is available to premium subscribers of Wine Executive News.

  • Wine Direct May Be In Final Stages of Sale

  • Swanson Vineyards Could Close This Month

  • Orin Swift Papillion Involved in $ HUGE deal

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