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Unity Bank Ready to Help Vineyards & Wineries Finance Red Blotch Replanting

This article presented by our sponsor, Unity Bank

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The California State Farm Service Agency (FSA) has approved Grapevine Red Blotch-associated Virus (GRBaV) as an eligible plant disease for financial assistance through the 2014 Farm Bill, Tree Assistance Program (TAP).

The state program, however, does not cover all your costs for replanting which is where Unity Bank can help you.

Grapevine red blotch-associated virus can cause a significant reduction in sugar accumulation in the fruit. The symptoms start appearing in late summer as irregular red blotches on leaves, with leaf veins turning red in red grape varieties and pale yellow blotches with irregular chlorosis in white grape varieties.

California FSA eligibility and assistance limitations

  • Vines cannot be removed before inspection by a Farm Service Agency employee
  • The producer must submit specimens to a commercial lab to substantiate the presence of red blotch
  • The first 15% of loss is not covered
  • There is a 500 acre annual limit
  • Maximum payment rates:
    • $4 per vine replacement
    • $2 per vine planting
    • $500 per acre site preparation Affected farmers should contact their local Farm

Click or call now to learn how to obtain your replanting funds:

Email Robert Hower now for details

Robert Hower