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An aggressively stupid, Millennial suck-up headline from people at Inc. Magazine who don’t know seem to know jack about the wine market or what it means to be “disruptive”

This aggressively stupid headline reflects a malignant ignorance about the wine market and is the year’s best example of a “click bait” headline full of fluff Millennial suck-up: How This Millennial Entrepreneur Is Disrupting the $10 Billion Wine Market


DUMB: The California wine market alone was $24.6 billion last year. From which part of their derrière did they pull the $10 billion number?


DUMBER: True “disruption” has the potential to slam a market on its ear. This isn’t even a butterfly kiss.


DUMBEST CLICK-BAIT SUCK UP: Some people think that if you throw “Millennial” into a headline, you automatically have surfers falling all over themselves to click on the link. Just because the subject falls into a certain demographic doesn’t mean the article has direct appeal to the whole demographic. Millennials aren’t stupid, people! And don’t like to be suckered any more than other demographics.