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Harpers Wine & Spirits: Special Chile Supplement

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Harpers Wine & Spirits has released a special supplement dedicated to Chile and its wines.

This October 31, 2009 edition takes a fresh look at the Chilean wine industry and explores this viniferously blessed country from a variety of angles.

Click on the image to download the full issue in pdf format.

Introduction (Claire Hu)

  • There are many reasons to be confident about Chile.

Overview: The wine world at its feet (Peter Richards)

  • Conquering the UK is Chile’s next big challenge

Grapes & Regions: A peak into the future (Tom Bruce-Gardyne)

  • A look at Chile’s diverse regions and grape varieties

Challenges & Opportunities: Two sides to Chilean coin (David Williams)

  • The Chile-philes and sceptics have their say

Round Table: Knocking on the indie door (Claire Hu)

  • A round table debate with independents

On-Trade Broadening Chile’s horizons (Simon Woods)

  • A look at Chile’s success in the on-trade

Sparkling Wine: A golden opportunity (Christine Austin)

  • Chilean sparkling wine is on the cusp of growth

Wine Tourism: Bullish about tourism (Wink Lorch)

  • Chile’s emerging wine tourism shows potential

Producers: Sign of the times (Peter Richards)

  • Innovative, up-and-coming producers in Chile