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North Bay Business Journal’s Dishonest, Unethical, Unprofessional Behavior Today

If someone says they have information for you, but they will only give it to you if you promise not to publish it before a certain time, that is called an “embargo.”


If you accept the terms and violate the embargo by publishing early, you have broken your promise and violated the agreement.


To get an advance copy of Silicon Valley Bank’s State of the Industry Report, we all had to agree not to publish anything before 8 a.m. today.


The North Bay Business Journal was under the same agreement and yet broke the embargo and their promise this morning. A thorough Google search indicates that, of all the publications — nationally and internationally — the only one that cheated on the embargo was the North Bay Business Journal.


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That’s unethical, dishonest and a cheapshot way to try and get a “scoop.”


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That’s also bad journalism.


And a signal that the publication cannot be trusted.