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Enoplastic Capsule Founder Leaves €1.5 million Xmas Bonus For Employees

Wine Industry Insight received the following yesterday from Enoplastic’s Fairfield office.

While the story is a bit old (Italian entrepreneur leaves fortune to workers in his will), we missed it.

It’s a nice, heart-warming piece, so we’re publishing it a bit late.



Enoplastic Founder, All Class Until the End!

Sadly, Mr Piero Macchi, the founder of Enoplastic Group passed away in June 2015. The employees at the factory, based in the north of Italy, were still mourning the loss of their beloved leader when they received an unexpected Christmas bonus.

The capsule mogul had bequeathed to the 280 Italian employees of the business a total of €1.5 million Euros, the only criteria being length of service, not the position within the business determining the amount received.

“It was all managed by his wife Carla, my mother, who sent a touching letter of thanks with each of the cheques,” Macchi’s daughter, Giovanna, the current joint manager of Enoplastic, told Corriera della Sera newspaper.

Mr. Macchi, a lover of both good wine and machinery, turned a hobby into a lucrative business when he founded Enoplastic in 1957 — the company now produces billions of capsules a year, comprising of sparkling wine capsules, all types of still wine capsules, screw caps, synthetic corks and labels for beverages

Enoplastic has capsule manufacturing facilities in Fairfield, CA as well as in Spain, Australia, and New Zealand in addition to Northern Italy.

If you have any questions or comments about this story, please contact Debbie Jennings at or 707-207-7904.