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Distilled Spirits Council Helps Broker Deal for Spirits, Wine and Beer Sales in Colorado Grocery Stores

Council Urges Governor to Sign Bill


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Distilled Spirits Council today praised the Colorado Legislature for passing historic legislation (SB 197), which modernizes Colorado’s alcohol laws by allowing the sale of spirits, wine and beer in grocery stores.


A Council-led effort helped bring together allied grocers, package store owners, local producers and wholesalers to craft a compromise to modernize Colorado’s alcohol marketplace.


“Our shared success in modernizing Colorado’s alcohol laws is a testament to the benefit of working together to find an equitable solution,” said Distilled Spirits Council President & CEO Kraig R. Naasz. “Stakeholders came together to urge the legislature to seek a compromise that benefits both small and large suppliers, grocers, retailers and, importantly, Colorado’s consumers. We commend the legislature for acting and urge the Governor to sign this legislation following the Senate’s final approval.”


SB 197 allows grocery and package stores to obtain an increasing number of spirits, wine and beer licenses beginning January 1, 2017.
The bill now goes back to the Senate for a final vote to concur with changes made in the House before heading to the Governor. The final Senate vote is expected later today.


The Distilled Spirits Council is the national trade association representing producers and marketers of distilled spirits sold in the United States.