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Beware of advertising disguised as valid editorial content

Advertising disguised as valid editorial content is not only unethical but illegal according to Federal Trade Commission Guidelines.


So-called “native advertising” or other content or compensated  links must be clearly disclosed: “FTC Enforcement Policy Statement on Deceptively Formatted Advertisements”.


Editorial content comes with an implied journalistic judgment and endorsement that means a publication as examined the facts presented and stand behind them as accurate and as objective as possible. In ethical publications, editorial articles merit more credibility than advertising.


Some unethical trade publications try to get around the legalities by allowing advertisers to “write” an article that is published — or linked to — without acknowledging that the “article” is a disguised advertisement.


This “favor” to advertisers amounts to the same unethical conduct, by laundering the payment through an advertisement disguised as editorial.


All advertising content should be appropriately labeled. News releases should be labeled as such.


Remember, if it reads like a news release, it probably is.


These links offer some context and advice: