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CAWG Names Michael Miiller as Director of Government Relations



 SACRAMENTO, Jan. 17, 2017 – The California Association of Winegrape Growers has selected Michael Miiller as its new director of government relations, effective Jan. 17.


Previously, Miiller was chief of staff and communications director for Assemblyman Marc Levine (D-Marin County). He oversaw and managed Levine’s Capitol office, three district offices and the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee. Miiller has held various positions for legislative leaders in the State Senate and Assembly and served as a legislative liaison during the Wilson and Davis administrations. In the regulatory arena, he drafted regulations and conducted stakeholder meetings at CalEPA and the Employment Development Department. Miiller also has extensive experience in communications and public relations.


“Michael brings more than 30 years of public policy experience to this position,” said CAWG President John Aguirre. “His tremendous knowledge, insight and leadership gained from working with legislators and agency officials will greatly benefit CAWG’s advocacy efforts on behalf of winegrape growers.”


As director of government relations, Miiller will monitor a wide range of state public policy issues and represent CAWG before the California Legislature and key regulatory agencies.


Miiller attended the University of Wisconsin and California State University, Sacramento studying journalism and business administration with a concentration in accounting. A South Dakota native who spent most of his childhood in Iowa and Wisconsin, he has Midwest family roots that run deep in agriculture.


“I am honored to represent California’s $2.5 billion winegrape industry that covers more than 600,000 acres in 49 counties,” Miiller said. “The contributions of this industry are to be celebrated. I look forward to helping tell the proud story of CAWG growers who play a key role in our state’s economy and help provide healthy landscapes and strong communities.”


About CAWG

CAWG provides industry leadership to advocate for public policies, research and education programs, and sustainable farming practices to enhance the business of growing California winegrapes. The organization represents the growers of more than 50 percent of the gross grape tonnage crushed for wine and concentrate in California.