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Trinchero Family Estates fined $44,575 in accidental death of cellar worker

On August 31, 2016, cellar worker Jose Alberto Avino died when a stack of barrel racks he was unloading with a for from a container at the Joel Gott winery (owner by Sutter Home Winery, lnc. dba: Trinchero Family Estates) located at 2055 Hoffman Lane


Cal/OSHA has finished their investigation of that deadly accident and fined Trinchero Family Estates $44,575 in the incident.

According to Cal/OSHA, the winery was in the process of unloading approximately 204 metal barrel racks from a 40 foot container using an industrial fork truck when the accident occurred.

The following findings led to the Cal/OSHA fine (direct quotes with some redaction):

The employer failed to inspect and maintain a Toyota Fork Lift Truck Model  as recommended by the manufacturer.

The employer permitted the use of a four inch nylon winch cargo strap attached to the forklift backrest  to pull a load of stacked barrel racks contrary to the purpose.

The employer permitted the use of a Kinedyne nylon winch cargo strap which was worn, deformed and damagedwhich is contrary to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The employer permitted the use of a Kinedyne nylon winch cargo strap to pull loads contrary to themanufacturer’s intended use.

The employer failed to prevent a stack of barrel racks from tipping and falling.

The stack of barrel racks tipped and fell out of the container landing on an employee.

The employee suffered fatal crushing injuries to the torso.


The Napa Valley Register also has an article here (prefaced by annoying entrance survey).

A pdf of the Cal/OSHA report is at this link including an infraction-by-infraction penalty is available for download for premium Wine Executive News Subscribers.