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Gallo Gets It Right


Wine Industry Insight’s comments section has burned white hot over the manner in which Jackson Family Wines conducted its layoffs. And the fact that I covered that method at all.

Those of you who remember my reporting in the Wine Business Insider and Monthly days know that I have repeatedly clashed with the Gallos.

But on this issue, they’ve demonstrated leadership, offering a good example of a forthright, transparent manner in which unfortunate task of layoffs can be handled.

There was none of K-J’s. “Layoff? Who us? We can’t comment on that.” Or their coy obscurity over such basic facts as how many good people lost their jobs or how many employees the company has.

Of course, K-J and Gallo have battled like Sunnis and Shiites, so it’s probably not realistic for K-J to take away the lessons from this. That doesn’t mean that other wineries can’t learn from it.

— Lewis Perdue