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Wonderful Nurseries Moves to 100% Root Socks for All Potted Vines!

This sponsored article presented by our sponsor, Wonderful Nurseries


The Wonderful Nurseries “Growers First” philosophy has really taken root with the Wonderful Nurseries’ Root Sock system. This system is not only beneficial to growers in many ways but also falls in line with Wonderful‘s commitment to be being environmentally friendly wherever, and whenever possible.


The Wonderful Root Sock system allows Wonderful Nurseries to invest in heavier recyclable pots and trays because by shipping their potted vines in 100% cotton root socks, they can re-use virtually all of the pots.


The root sock system is globally exclusive to Wonderful Nurseries and is both environmentally friendly and saves growers time and money. Other benefits include the elimination of pots and trays in growers’ fields, every vine is inspected by hand before shipping, and the planting rate is 25% to 50% faster, which saves time and money spent on labor.


In addition, the root socks are palletized for quick and easy unloading, adaptable to all programs adding fertilizer, Mycorrhizae and more. They are also 100% biodegradable.


For more information on the Exclusive Wonderful Nurseries Root Sock system (patent pending), visit, or call 661-758-4777.