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Lodi Winegrape Commission Announces New Officers and Members of Board of Directors

Lodi, CA. August 8, 2017 – The new 2017-18 board of directors took office during the July meeting of the Lodi Winegrape Commission. Matt Lauchland and Craig Ledbetter join the slate of board members, with Kendra Altnow and Aaron Shinn shifting from alternate to board positions. Other board members include Bruce Fry, Stanton Lange, Galen Schmiedt, Curt Gillespie and Ed Van Diemen. Triana Berryhill comes on as an alternate member, joining Pieter den Hartog, Ben Kolber, John Shinn, Tom Murphy, Jason Spaletta, Brandon Sywassink, John Anagnos, and Art Prudhel.


The Lodi Winegrape Commission, established in 1991, represents the common interests of Lodi growers and vintners in marketing, education, research, and sustainable viticulture.  The Commission collectively and effectively promotes Lodi’s vibrant, multi-generational farming community and the second largest grape growing AVA in California.


At the July meeting, Fry was elected chairman of the board of directors, Altnow vice-chair, Lange secretary, and Schmiedt treasurer. “I am very excited about our new board makeup,” said Fry. “Diversity of a board is key. I like to have different ideas on the table to thoroughly discuss, come to a consensus, and back that decision,” said Fry.


Fry is the vice president of Mohr-Fry Ranches and is very active in the Lodi winegrape community, having served on the board for the last three years. Fry was the past president of the Lodi District Grape Growers Association (LDGGA), Winegrape Growers of America, San Joaquin Farm Bureau, and the past director and vice chair of the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG). Fry received an agriculture business degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.


“I am a hands-on kind of guy. I will attend as many committee meetings, events, and tastings as I can to hear firsthand what is going on,” said Fry. “There are many exciting things happening in Lodi, and we will no doubt be very busy in the year to come. Lodi’s popularity will only continue to grow.”


Lauchland, joining as a commissioner, is a fourth-generation Lodi grower and is the owner and manager of Lock L Ranches. He holds a crop science degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He previously served on the San Joaquin County Farm Bureau board and the Lodi Future Farmers of America (FFA) Ag Boosters. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to support and promote the innovative programs that will continue to elevate Lodi’s name in grape and wine production,” said Lauchland.


Ledbetter, a former chairman of the board of directors, is returning as a commissioner for the 2017-2018 fiscal year and says, “I am driven to make Lodi a premium destination for wineries to purchase fruit.” Ledbetter currently serves as the Vice President of Vino Farms, LLC, and is a member of the board for Ag Safe and the Wine Market Council. He obtained an agricultural economics degree from Fresno State University.


Berryhill joins the Commission as an alternate. She is co-owner of BB Vineyards and is a current member of San Joaquin County Farm Bureau, Stanislaus County Farm Bureau, CAWG, and San Joaquin Valley Winegrowers Association. Berryhill has been farming winegrapes, walnuts, and almonds for the past 20 years in the Lodi region. She holds an accounting degree from ITESM, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.


“With each newly-elected board comes unique expertise and a different energy. I’m very excited to see what this new group will bring to the table as we continue to strengthen the Lodi winegrape community,” commented Executive Director Wendy Brannen.


Rolling off the board are John Graffigna, Kevin Delu, and Bob Lauchland. Graffigna served as treasurer for the last year. Graffigna, Delu, and Lauchland have each contributed eight years of dedication, leadership, and service to the Lodi Winegrape Commission board.


“The other board members have expressed their gratitude for the time and contributions of these three men, who have certainly supported and contributed to our AVA’s success,” said Brannen, “Personally, I’ve welcomed their guidance and expertise stepping into this role, and even though they’ve paid their proverbial dues, I truly hope that Bob, John, and Kevin will stay active and in touch with the board and continue sending their advice my way.”



About Lodi Wine Country

Blessed with a Mediterranean climate and a range of soil types, the Lodi AVA offers a lush setting for a broad selection of winegrape varieties, from classic old vine Zinfandel to grapes native to Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and beyond. The region includes 90 wineries, almost 800 winegrowers farming nearly 110,000 acres of grapes, and seven distinct AVAs. Lodi leads the state in sustainable farming with its comprehensive Lodi RulesCM for Sustainable Winegrowing, which was the first third party-certified sustainable winegrowing program. In 2015, Wine Enthusiast Magazine awarded Lodi the prestigious Wine Star Award for “Wine Region of the Year.”

For more information about the Lodi wine region, visit and

For media inquiries and interviews, please contact Kela Driggs at Calhoun & Company Communications at 415-346-2929 or

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