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Status on 113 wineries (and wine businesses): Good, bad or gone – ARCHIVED – No longer updated

This article is no longer updated. Last update was 6:28 a.m., October 20, 2017

Is a house, commercial property or winery safe? Maybe Not? See: Cal Fire has released a powerful Interactive Sonoma County fire map goes right down to specific parcels

Make sure to see today’s fire status report: Fire damage at $1 Bil and will rise. Light rain and cool temps offer hopes for containment by Tuesday. Satellites see no hot spots. — Updated at 5:50 a.m. PDT 10/20/17

What is known and *confirmed*

 Destroyed/Heavily Damaged:

  1. Pulido-Walker Estate Vineyard – Mark Pulido via mutual friend
  2. Lasseter -Damaged according to recovery personnel. Extent of damage is unknown because it was not appropriate for me to drive down the very narrow lane with recovery efforts going on.
  3. Paras Vineyards – Image: Fire burns in the in the vineyards of Paras Vineyards as the main structure on the property burns in the background
  4. Signorello Estate – destroyed according to owners.
  5. Paradise Ridge – WII inspection
  6. Sky Vineyards – Facebook: “Vineyard looks bad and house is gone but LOOK! The winery is still standing! Even with everything surrounding it burnt to a crisp. Feeling fortunate!!!  Love our firefighters!”
  7. Backbone Vineyard & Winery – WII sources who have been reliable in the past. Not directly or independently confirmed
  8. White Rock Vineyards – heavily damaged according to owners
  9. Frey Vineyards – Sommelier Fred Swan via Facebook
  10. VinRoc Wine Caves – email sent by winery to suppliers (WII sources who have been reliable in the past. )
  11. Ancient Oak Cellars – Via facebook: The Ancient Oak survived but substantial damage to wine facilities.

Reports of Destruction and Serious Damage, but unconfirmed independently by Wine Industry Insight

  1. Patland Vineyards – Wine Spectator article. Not independently confirmed
  2. Cole Bailey – Not independently confirmed
  3. Helena View – Owner Charles Johnston quoted in Mercury News that everything was “annihilated” at his organic winery off Highway 128 in Calistoga – Not directly or independently confirmed
  4. Sill Family Vineyards -WII sources who have been reliable in the past. Not directly or independently confirmed
  5. Paras Vineyards – WII sources who have been reliable in the past. Not directly or independently confirmed
  6. Golden Vineyards – rumored destroyed, website non-operational
  7. Patland Vineyards – Wine Spectator article. Not independently confirmed
  8. Golden Vineyards – rumored destroyed, website non-operational
  9. Roy Estate – WII sources who have been reliable in the past. Not independently confirmed.


Takes Licking, Keeps Ticking

  1. Stone Edge Winery – Facebook: “We were one of the lucky ones. Although we are not yet allowed back on the property, we were told that most of the structures are still standing at our mountain vineyard estate.”
  2. Kenzo Estate – Email -“The winery and vineyards did not sustain damage from the fires.  Sadly, the fires did reach some of the outlying areas on the estate, including some of its vast landscape and a guest house.
  3. Matanzas Creek – WII onsite inspection
  4. Jarvis Estate – “Email from brand manager Elizabeth Rhoda: “We sustained significant damage given our proximity to Atlas peak, losing several structures, including the historic barn which served as the “pilot winery” during Jarvis’ early days.  The winery cave is still intact, although the outer perimeter was damaged.”
    The vineyards fortunately remained relatively unscathed—and actually served as a natural fire break, preventing additional losses.
  5. Hagafen Cellars – Photos, quotes from winemaker
  6.  La Rochelle Winery at 233 Adobe Canyon Rd. – Email from proprietor Chuck Easley: “Portions of the vineyard burned and there was damage to the guest house. The winery is in tact.”
  7. Farella Vineyard – email from Tom Farella: “We fought hard and held off the blaze, still concerned after 5 days because of the extensive forest smoldering logs, still doing mop-up.”
  8. Imagery Estate – Mostly intact – OK: WII on-site inspection showed some structure damage.
  9. Tom Eddy Winery – mass email to supporters: “At this time we are one of the few ranches in the area whose home is still standing.  The winery has seen some damage.  Thank God for the cave!  We will rebuild.   Although most of the new wines from the 2017 vintage were impacted, almost our entire inventory of agingbottled wines in south Napa were untouched.
  10. Robert Craig Winery – Howell Mt – email from winery: “An update on our winery and vineyards:  the winery and vineyards on Howell Mt in Angwin are all okay, continuing to monitor progress and wind speeds of the Tubbs fire.  Our property on Mt. Veeder is not so lucky.  We had a house and several outbuildings on the property along with 8 acres of cabernet grapes.  All the buildings and movable equipment are destroyed. “
  11. James Cole – Widely and erroneously reported as destroyed. Scroll down to Facebook image
  12. Mayacamas Vineyards – video and interview in SF Chronicle

Close calls … Plus “Okay so far”

  1. Fogline Vineyards – Email from Evan Pontoriero, President/Winemaker: “No damage in Fulton Winery. Vineyard on Sonoma Mountain OK.”
  2. Hanzell –  WII eyes on
  3. Brian Arden Winery – Email from staff: “We are safe and secure. It was getting close but we did not see any fires even though our whole town was under a mandatory evacuation. Our vineyard in Kelseyville was also untouched.”
  4. Vinify Wine Services – Email: ‘Our facility is located about 2 blocks from the devastation in the Coffey Park neighborhood, but was untouched by the fires.  We lost PGE for about 5 days, but had a generator hooked up within 48 hours of the initial outbreak of fires.
    The neighborhood is locked up tight with national guard and police, but we have been able to get through to our winery with business cards and IDs.
  5. Shadybrook Estate – Email: “Close call but we are okay so far. With the help of fire fighters, volunteers and our vineyard crew, Shadybrook Estate was able to keep the fire away from the vines, winery and residence.  Thankfully our staff and their families are safe and out of harms way as well.  The horses were also emergency evacuated safely early Monday Morning.
  6. Black Knight Vineyards – Ok: WII visual inspection.
  7. Petroni Vineyards – Facebook: “Our evacuation orders remain in place but we are so anxious to return to the property and begin hosting guests once again! We hope it will be sooner than later, but cannot give a confirmation yet.”
  8. Artesa Vineyards and Winery – Facebook: “Thank you to all our friends and neighbors for your concern, the fires did reach our vineyards but our winery was thankfully spared.
  9. The Ranch/Regusci – “As of right now, we are without full power, water and clean air, but are working 24/7 to get the Ranch back on its feet. The hills behind our property are badly burned, but most of our vineyards are intact. Our wines and winemaking facilities have been continuously sustained using generator power and are unharmed.” Facebook, Jim & Laura Regusci
  10. The Caves at Soda Canyon – Caves at Soda Canyon: singed but no major losses according to a staff member email.
  11. Brandlin Vineyard – email from owner Daniel Zepponi: “We were at our Mt. Veeder property Brandlin Vineyard yesterday which got scorched on 3 sides, but all vineyards and the house are intact. Helicopters drained the pond though!”
  12. Tasting rooms in village of Kenwood as well as all other commercial buildings. Loss of homes next to vineyard immediately south of St. Anne’s Crossing (may have stopped fire from reaching winery.) – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  13. All wineries and businesses on the west end of Adobe Canyon Rd. from Hwy 12 to where the narrow road to Sugarloaf State Park begins – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  14. B.R. Cohn – Winery is still standing according to owner, Vintage Wine Estates. All other VWE wineries fine OK: WII on-site inspection.
  15. Relic Wines – “We were able to make it up to Relic today and it is amazingly, almost completely unscathed. The wines are in great shape. Most of our neighbors suffered horrible losses, and we feel for them deeply.” More plus video  at their Facebook page.
  16. Hans Fahden Winery -Facebook: “Fires are still raging but we were hit Sunday. Lost some vineyards and landscape but structures are still here. Feeling very lucky and grateful. — Karen Fahden”
  17. Arrrowood – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  18. Gundlach-Bundschu: Management has been coy and non-specific about actual damage.  Via Facebook: “Our property sustained some fire damage but our winery and structures are all intact. We unfortunately lost our family house on the property, but our family and employees are all safe.”
  19. Chateau MontelenaFacebook: “Chateau Montelena Winery and Calistoga survived another potentially dangerous situation with winds overnight on Friday.
  20. Eric Ross Winery – email from Eric Ross: “Eric Ross is ok as long as the winds cooperate. The Jack London Village across the street is ok as is downtown Glen Ellen. “
  21. Fontanella Winery – ok on Oct 13 via winemaker associated with winery. May need reassessing with fire flare-up (0ct 16)
  22. Ledson Winery – Television images on afternoon of 10/14 show it in good condition, but with flames on the hills close by behind it.
  23. Novavine: Email from Alexandra Kicenik Devarenne –  “Is dusted with ashes and in an evacuation area, but still standing! Skeleton crews have been watering and our cold storage is still… cold.  There are fires nearby so we’re not done with this by any means, but so far, so good!
  24. Black Stallion – Email from Chris Indelicato: “There were rumors on social media that Black Stallion burned down and that was not true.  Please add us to the list of wineries with no damage.  We spent Sunday night putting out fires in the front of the winery but in the end we did not burn.”
  25. Nicholson Ranch: main winery intact, some auxiliary buildings and structures were destroyed. Spotty damage to vines. – WII visit
  26. Hamel Family Wines – Facebook
  27. Scribe: management says successfully fought to avoid damage – no damage apparent during WII Visit.
  28. Kunde Estate – Email from staff:  ” Our property has sustained some significant burn damage but overall we have fared pretty well.
  29. Stag’s Leap Winery – According to owner, Treasury Wine Estates: “Stags’ Leap Winery and cellar door, including the Manor House, were not damaged by the fire and the infrastructure remains intact. “
  30. Chateau St. Jean – According to owner, Treasury Wine Estates: “we are able to share that Chateau St. Jean sustained only minor damage to an out-building, with cosmetic and landscaping damage.”
  31. William Hill Estate Winery – mostly minor scorching according to owner
  32. Kenwood Winery – OK: WII on-site inspection.. Also, Email from employee at another Kenwood winery: “Kenwood winery appears to be ok.   The fire up behind both the wineries yesterday was pretty brutal but Cal Fire came in like rock stars and knocked it down with some incredible helicopters.
  33. Matthiasson: Email from winery –  “It is Day 5 of the fires and the fire has been getting closer to both our new winery and the winery where we store the rest of our wines, and we are very concerned.”

Welfare check = All good!

  1. Sojourn Cellars – Management email: “Safe and open. Tasting Salon, offices, winery… all ok and open.”
  2. von Strasser – Email from staff.
  3. Schramsberg – Management email: ” Both Schramsberg and Davies are safe. We reopened Davies Vineyards to guest yesterday, and Schramsberg is opening today.”
  4. Patz and Hall – Email from staff
  5. Davies Vineyards – See  Schramsberg
  6. Grgich Hills – Management email:  “We want to report no damage and harvest is finished for us (except for  late harvest grapes that we will have to evaluate at a later date).”
  7. Woodenhead – Email from Zina Bower, Co-Proprietor: “All is well! thank you!”
  8. Villa Ragazzi – Email from owners.
  9. Bennett Lane – OK via Twitter
  10. Arroyo Family Winery & Vineyards – Email from Matthew Moye, Winemaker: “We at Arroyo are clear. No damage from fires.”
  11. Rombauer Vineyards – email from staff
  12. Castello di Amorosa – email from staff
  13. Hess – Photo sent by top exec at another winery
  14. Storybook Mountain – OK via Facebook
  15. Mt. LaSalle – Photo sent by top exec at another winery
  16. Spring Mountain Winery – email from GM Susan Doyle: “The team are all safe and no houses or property loss. Winery harvesting and processing post power outage earlier last week. Road to Spring Mt experiencing intermittent access from St Helena.  (Road block at Spring MT Vineyard). Bring your ID and winery ID. “
  17. Cuvasion Carneros – Email from Pres/CEO Daniel Zepponi: “Cuvaison in Carneros is fine and operational all week.”
  18. Paraduxx – email from staff – “Paraduxx is completely fine, thankfully.”
  19. Cakebread Cellars – email from Dennis Cakebread: “We are all good here at  Opening Tuesday Oct 17 for visitors and normal operations.  Donating all tasting fees to NVCF-relief fund.”
  20. Amapola Creek – email from Richard Arrowood
  21. Sunce – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  22. Westwood Winery – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  23. Tamber Bey – email, winemaker associated with the property
  24. ENVY– email, winemaker associated with the property
  25. Summers – email, winemaker associated with the property
  26. Sugarloaf Custom Crush – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  27. St. Francis – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  28. St. Anne’s Crossing – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  29. Landmark – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  30. Loxton – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  31. Wellington – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  32. Valley of the Moon Winery  – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  33. Little Vineyard – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  34. Mayo Winery – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  35. Staglin Family Vineyard – “Our winery and estate have not had any damage from the #napafire but some of our employees have lost homes and/or are evacuated” – Facebook
  36. Benziger – OK: WII on-site inspection. Also see Twitter feed screen caps below.
  37. Kivel Stadt – OK: WII on-site inspection.
  38. Reynolds Family Winery  – email from Suzie Reynolds: “Our Winery and house did not sustain any damage. We are still without power and water making wine making difficult. We Got a generator today for the Winery. We still have quite a few vineyards to pick and hope we will be able to this week!”
  39. Silverado Vineyards – email from Russell Weis, President
  40. Deerfield: Email from Pres Addison Rex “OK. Lucky so far. no power.
  41. Buena Vista – no damage according to management. And no damage to other Boisset wineries – WII visit
  42. Domain Carneros – WII visit
  43. Wine Foundry – safe as of Thursday afternoon. Email to WII
  44. Venge Winery – no damage – Kirk Venge
  45. Cliff Lede – ok via Facebook
  46. Chimney Rock Winery – ok via Facebook
  47. Clif Family Winery – ok va email
  48. Passaggio –  ok via email
  49. Cline Cellars –  ok via email

Unknown – Thought to be in the danger zone, no status available, not included in confirmed total


  1. Estancia Vineyards – rumors and unsubstantiated published accounts
  2. Mt. Veeder Winery


  1. Moon Mountain

PLEASE! Help fight fake news!

Email Wine Industry Insight with confirmed information about the status of wineries and other industry-related structures.

Confirmed means you are the owner or associated directly with a property OR you have a photo OR a link to an OFFICIAL Facebook, Twitter, or web page.

Please do not send links from other sources including media reports which have often proved to be incorrect. WII must be able to independently verify from original sources.

Among the missing, status unknown: We also have a list of  wineries thought to be in the fire danger zone, but whose status remains unknown. Please Email  if you have any confirmed information.


This Sunday afternoon (10/15/17) Twitter flurry of winery status updates were made possible by the cooperation of the Sonoma County Sheriff’s office. Click here to go to Twitter flurry from @VinoIndustry and view larger images.

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Other images at: The smoking ruins of Paradise Ridge Winery

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The Reports of our demise were premature

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Nicholson: Main winery singed but basically undamaged

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Chateau St. Jean goes all vague on us. “Limited” covers a lot of ground.

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Gundlach-Bundschu Winery “One-Ups” Treasury for equivocation

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