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Cannabis Drinks Expo To Launch, July 2019, San Francisco

NEWS RELEASE, January 26, 2018


Cannabis Drinks Expo launches to tackle most disruptive challenge to drinks industry
San Francisco in July 2019 will be first time the drinks industry gets to address this game changing legislation.


A new conference and exhibition is being launched to help the global drinks industry better understand the challenges, and potential opportunities, there are from legalising the sale of cannabis in leading countries such as Canada and an increasing number of US states.


Cannabis Drinks Expo in San Francisco, July, 2019 will be the first event to tackle the issue head on and give the worldwide drinks industry, and North America in particular, the chance to come together and look at ways it can start addressing what has been described as the biggest ever threat to its future.


Analysts predict the legal cannabis market could be worth $23 billion by 2021, is set to grow at least 30% a year and is already close to a $7bn market (Arcview Market Research).


It is now possible to use cannabis for recreational purposes in eight US states and the District of Columbia. For some states, noticeably California, the law changed from January 1, 2018. It is also possible to use cannabis for medical purposes in 29 US states. Legalised cannabis will be available across Canada from July 1, 2018.


The Beverage Trade Network will be working with the North American drinks industry over the coming months to develop the most relevant and must attend content for the inaugural Cannabis Drinks Expo event.


This will be a unique chance for the industry to determine what strategies it needs to put in place now to capitalise on the huge opportunities for legalised cannabis drinks-related products over the next five to 10 years and how they can open up new distribution channels and markets.


The Expo will look specifically at:


  • what innovations will they have to bring to market to keep one step ahead of the competition.
  • the steps businesses need to take to comply with new cannabis legislation.
  • what will be the new routes to market and opportunities for new distribution channels.
  • how traditional drinks industry suppliers and service providers can adapt their business models to make themselves equally relevant to those now working with cannabis-related products.


As demand for the first Cannabis Drinks Expo is expected to be high, there is an opportunity to pre-register now, at, and be the first to hear any news about the show before the rest of the industry. All pre-registered businesses and individuals will also get exclusive access to the best launch deals available for exhibitors and delegates.


The Expo will also be particularly relevant to the new wave of cannabis brands and businesses that need to find their route to market and how they can work with the traditional drinks industry, from producers to importers, distributors, retailers, restaurants, bars and hotels.


BTN has a strong track record of organising high quality, and relevant drinks industry events including USATT (USA Trade Tasting), IBWSS (International Bulk Wine & Spirits Show), The London Wine, Spirits and Beer Competitions (LWC, LSC, LBC) and ABID (Alcohol Beverage Importers & Distributors) conference.


More details, including the confirmed date and venue, will be released in the coming weeks on